Manual for Reviewer

Peer review, also known as refereeing, is a collaborative process that allows independent experts in the same field of research to evaluate and comment on manuscript submissions. The outcome of a peer review gives authors feedback to improve their work and, critically, allows the editor to assess the paper’s suitability for publication.

The peer review process may adopt one of the following forms:

  • Single-blind review. The reviewer’s name isn’t disclosed to the author.
  • Double-blind review. The identity of the reviewers and the authors aren’t disclosed.
  • Open review. Both the author and reviewer names are disclosed.
  • Post-publication open review. Readers and reviewers can post comments, mediated by the editor, after publication.

Single- and double-blind review are the most common methods of peer review. This journal applied Double-blind review process.

This process upholds the integrity of scholarly communication. It ensures that published research is accurate, trustworthy, and meets the highest standards. Every journal depends on the hard work of reviewers who test and refine each article before publication. 

Peer reviewing is a form of collaboration between experts. Their critical feedback often improves research and helps propel it forward.

But how does being a reviewer help your career? Here are some ways that you can benefit:

Keep up with the latest research

As a reviewer, you get an early view of the exciting new research happening in your field. Not only that, peer review gives you a role in helping to evaluate and improve this new work.