Translation assessors’ perceptions of assessment scales criteria and its effect on the process and outcome of their assessment


  • Hamed Ghaemi Bahar Institute of Higher Education, Iran
  • Seyedhamed Sadoughvanini Bahar Institute of Higher Education, Iran


Translation Assessor’ perception, Translation assessment, Assessment scale, Analytic scale, Holistic scale


The present study investigated the Translation Assessor’ perceptions of the assessment scales and their subsequent assessment behaviors for two analytic and holistic assessment scales. Hence, nine highly experienced Translation Assessor were asked to verbalize their thoughts while assessment student translations using Translation holistic scale and the analytic scale of ESL Translation Profile. Upon analyzing the think-aloud protocols, four themes emerged. The findings showed that when assessment holistically, the Translation Assessor either referred to the holistic scale components to validate their assessments (validation) or had a pre-evaluation reading to have more reliable assessment (dominancy). In analytic assessment, on the other hand, the Translation Assessor used a pre-evaluation scale reading in order to keep the components and their criteria to memory to evaluate the text more accurately (dominancy) or regularly moved between the text and the scale components to assign a score (oscillation). Furthermore, the results of a Wilcoxon signed-ranks test showed that when using the holistic and analytic assessment scales, the Translation Assessor assigned significantly different scores to the texts. On the whole, the results showed that the way the Translation Assessor perceived the scale components will affect their judgements of the texts. The study provides several implications for rater training programs and EFL translation assessment.


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How to Cite

Ghaemi, H., & Sadoughvanini, S. (2022). Translation assessors’ perceptions of assessment scales criteria and its effect on the process and outcome of their assessment. The International Journal of Language and Cultural (TIJOLAC), 4(1), 46–67. Retrieved from


