Representation of Balinese Exoticism

Analysis of Inter-ethnic Relations Novels in Pre-independence Period


  • I Made Sujaya Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Suarka Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Sudewa Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia


Representation, Exoticism, Bali, Interethnic Relations, Indonesian novels


This article discusses the representation of Bali in inter-ethnic relations novels by Indonesian authors published in the pre-independence period. The main question in this article is how is the representation of Bali in the inter-ethnic relations novels in the pre-independence period, and what is the historical, social context behind the representation? To answer the questions, a study was conducted on four Indonesian novels in the pre-independence period, namely Kintamani (1932) authored by Imam Soepardi, Lejak (1935) authored by Soe Lie Piet, I Swasta Setahun di Bedahulu (1938) authored by Anak Agung Pandji Tisna, and Djangir Bali (1942) authored by Nur Sultan Iskandar. The analysis was carried out using Stuart Hall's representation theory with Michel Foucault's discourse and descriptive-analytical methods. The research results show that novels on interethnic relations in the pre-independence period tend to represent Bali exotically. Such a representation places these novels to reinforce the dominant discourse on Balinese exoticism in the colonial era.


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How to Cite

Sujaya, I. M., Suarka, I. N., & Sudewa, I. K. (2021). Representation of Balinese Exoticism: Analysis of Inter-ethnic Relations Novels in Pre-independence Period. The International Journal of Language and Cultural (TIJOLAC), 3(2), 46–56. Retrieved from


