Offering Method in the Early Church and Its Application for Christians Today


  • Lasmaria Lumban Tobing Institut Agama Kristen Negeri, Tarutung, Indonesia
  • Rogate Artaida Tiarasi Gultom Institut Agama Kristen Negeri , Tarutung, Indonesia.
  • Megawati Manullang Institut Agama Kristen Negeri , Tarutung, Indonesia.


Offering, Christianity, Early Church, Phenomenology, Theologia


This study aims at finding out how offering in the early church can be applied to Christians today. The early church set an example for the church today in the right offering. Their offering is the whole property they sell to share, but they do not diminish. To examine the above phenomenon, a qualitative method was applied. The researchers examined and described the offering in the early church. Using the method, the understanding of offering in the life of worship is hoped to be understood by the Christian today to be applied in church life. Based on the investigation results, it is seen that the way the early church in giving offerings that can be imitated today is as follows. First, giving offerings should be based on willingness, accompanied by gratitude. Second, giving the best that is from the first fruits of a flawless income. Third, the early church gave an offering because God has the right to receive it. It must be realized by the church today. The last, they gave an offering according to their respective income.


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How to Cite

Tobing, L. L., Gultom, R. A. T. ., & Manullang, M. (2021). Offering Method in the Early Church and Its Application for Christians Today. The International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW), 3(1), 98–106. Retrieved from